How much does Google Ads cost? Well that is tough to answer specifically. Because each industry has different cost estimates. And the competition changes geographically.
But let me show you the formula to determine your ad spend budget.
Lets start with understanding cost per click. This is the bidding strategy in Google Ads. Each time your ad gets a click there will be a cost.
This cost per click will average between $1 and $10 per click.
If your industry is very competitive, for example: roofers or lawyers could see an average cpc of $20
The formula to figure out your budget is:
Determine your industry average cpc
Multiply that by how many clicks you need to get to your website.
Side note: If you have specific goals for your business, and know your website conversion rate. You can set the # of clicks to reach the goal.
Once you have your average cpc and total number of clicks you want. You will determine your daily budget.
And to find out your monthly budget multiply that by 30 days.
Schedule a call with me to use the formula to budget your Google Ads